Matej Papler

While others blog about everyday life, how their computer broke down or how they bought the newest WiFi router, I study, work, do and make stuff... helping people with computers, helping businesses with their websites, living this excelent game we call life. I'm always busy, but would love to experience a few days of boredom. Yet still, with my 12 hours per day at the computer, I deserve a decent personal website.

Short bio:
Born in 1985 to a loving mother and a hard working father. I also had the blessing, sometimes a curse, of a 4 year older sister. Attended the Miran Jarc primary school and although it was just across the street, I managed to be late for class every day. Continued education at Highschool of Electronics and Computers in Ljubljana. Although I had to attend summer exams every year, I've passed the finals with excelent grades. In 2004 enrolled at Faculty of information and computer sciences, University of Ljubljana.
Since my father first bought a 486 computer, I've continued to learn new things about these great machines. At the age of 14 I started learning how to make websites, which later became my bread and butter. I am currently in continous cooperation with various firms and individuals.

Portfolio: Click here
Contact email: matej [at] papler [dot] com

Ljubljana, April 2007

Ever wandered how small we are?